Check This List Before Submitting a Research Article

2 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

1. Article Title and Abstract

These aspects are very significant because they sum up your research article. The title and the abstract should be improved to mirror the primary research questions and motivation behind your work, show distributing patterns in a specific field of study, as far as the ideas utilized by different Researchers to discover papers like your article.

2. Brief Introduction

Ensure the introduction of your paper is clear and offers a convincing expression of the scholastic article’s motivation and research addresses that will be drawn nearer.

3. Literature Review

The literature review of your article should offer an applied establishing of the research question(s) you will approach in your hypothetical or experimental article.

4. Experimental Details

The technique or plan of the research article must be unmistakably introduced as far as the example utilized, the strategies/measures/insights that are pertinent with regards to the scholastic article and offer enough data for different scholastics and analysts to imitate in future investigations that increase the value of the fundamental subject of your article.

5. Tables and Figures

These visual representations of your research ought to be utilized to speed comprehension of the whole scholastic article. Tables, figures, diagrams should increase the value of the principle text of your work, ought to outwardly advise and sum up the research for a superior understanding.

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

6. Discussion of the Results and Conclusions

This segment of your scholarly article should offer more extensive points of view of the research paper, both regarding outline of the paper, and hypothetical commitments of the research to general and explicit knowledge subjects. In this last aspect of the paper, it is likewise significant that you incorporate future mandates of research and practice, conceivable or genuine impediments of your investigation, handy implications that can improve a specific process.

7. Check Author’s Guidelines for considered journal

Make certain to look at and follow, the scholastic journal guidelines for authors, which will be on the journal site. These rules will contain significant data about length, style, and format of the scholastic article, subjects it publishes, and how to submit the paper online or something else.

8. Proofread your article before submitting

Analyze your article’s content cautiously to recognize and address typographical mistakes and errors in grammar, style, and spelling. By editing your work, you will have the option to present a manuscript that mirrors a more significant level of journal quality.





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