Choosing a Journal that is a Good Match for Your Research

2 min readOct 8, 2021


Photo by Sergio Rota on Unsplash

Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the conspicuous objective of most research projects. It is through publication that your research arrives at others in the field, propelling information and empowering correspondence between research groups with similar research goals. Despite the fact that peer-review can be a lengthy and frequently exhausting process, a definitive publication of your original copy viably approves your work and can assist with propelling your profession, draw in splendid understudies and experienced staff, and earn funding for future studies. One of the most significant — and conceivably the most un-surely knew — parts of the publication process is the decision of an appropriate journal that is probably going to acknowledge your work.

Photo by 五玄土 ORIENTO on Unsplash

Submitting a manuscript to an inadmissible journal is the most common mistakes made by authors, and both fledgling and prepared analysts are equipped for making this blunder. First-time authors or the people who are stretching out into more extensive research domains might be new to the journals in the field. In the mean time, experienced authors might be enticed to publish in similar journals as usual, notwithstanding the way that new publication openings are continually emerging as electronic-only journals and open access Publications. Indeed, even thorough, high-impact work can be rejected when the topic of the research doesn’t coordinate with the scope of the journal, and committing this error wastes time, money and motivation.

keep in mind these points when choosing a journal

1. What are the aims and scope of the journal

2. Has the journal published articles that are similar to yours?

3. What are the journal’s restrictions?

4. What is the journal’s Impact Factor?




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