Does an Excellent Cover Letter Matter?

2 min readOct 5, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

While your research paper’s job is to demonstrate the benefits of your research, a solid basic introductory letter is your chance to feature the criticalness of your research and “offer” its idea to journal editors.

Tragically, we should concede that aspect of the dynamic cycle of whether to acknowledge a composition depends on a plan of action. Editors must choose articles that will intrigue their readers. As such, your paper, whenever published, must make them cash.

At the point when it’s not exactly clear how your research paper may produce intrigue dependent on its title and content alone (for instance, if your paper is excessively specialized for most editors to value), your cover letter is the one open door you will get the opportunity to convince the editors that your work is worth further review.

In addition to financial variables, numerous editors utilize the cover letter to screen whether authors can adhere to fundamental directions.

For instance, if journal’s guide for writers expresses that you should include disclosures, potential reviewers, and statement regarding ethical practices, inability to incorporate these things may prompt the automaticrejection of your article, regardless of whether your research is the most reformist undertaking on earth.

By neglecting to follow bearings, you raise a warning that you might be imprudent, and in case you’re not mindful to the subtleties of a cover letter, editors may wonder about the quality and thoroughness of your research. This isn’t the impression you need to give editors!




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