The Most Effective Method to Turn a Lab Notebook into an Academic Manuscript

2 min readJul 24, 2021


Photo by Alex Kondratiev on Unsplash

The initial phase in transforming your lab note pad into an original copy is figuring out how to keep a lab scratch pad that will be helpful for paper composing. Keeping efficient records and perceptions from the earliest starting point of an experiment will save you time and torment over the long haul. At the point when you perform an experiment, there are a few key factors that should be tended to in your lab notebook.

1. Objective

2. Materials and methods

3. Experimental technique

4. Observations

5. Results

Regardless of whether you’ve performed a similar experiment multiple times, record everything. In the event that on that 100th endeavor, your outcomes are somewhat unique in relation to all the others, you’ll lament not recording that slight contrast in temperature, color, or anything that could have caused the anomaly. Having a lot of data is constantly liked over attempting to fill in the gaps later on.

Results and Discussion Part

With your coordinated and extensive lab scratch pad close by, it’s an ideal opportunity to begin composing your original copy. In all honesty, you don’t need to compose a paper in a similar request you would understand it. Indeed, the primary sentence of an original copy is frequently the hardest to compose. Since most of scientific articles focus on the results and discussion.

Pick the pieces of proof from your lab note pad, including the entirety of the information you have prepared and dissected, that best address the outcomes you wish to feature in your paper. Examples may include chemical structures, characterization data, schematic diagrams, spectroscopic results, etc.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Note here that you will not publish everything in your lab note book. Even, failed experiments, negative information, or unseen side-effects might be helpful for additional supporting your methodology and discoveries in the results and discussion part.

Figures and Tables

Create the different images and tables that you plan to incorporate into the manuscript and place them in your blank document in the order you think they should appear. Note that this order does not necessarily have to follow the same pattern that the information was presented in your lab notebook. At this point, your experimental data should resemble an outline of your manuscript without having written a single word. Now, simply tell the story of how you got from one figure to the next, connecting the dots for the readers.





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