What Should We do? If not Agree with the Reviewers Comments
The peer-review measure is set up to guarantee the quality of scientific work that is delivered in the public area. It is typically the obligation of the peer-reviewer that is named by the journal to guarantee that your work is true, sufficient and deserving of being published. In such a situation, it is profoundly conceivable that reviewers are excessively basic or excessively careful with regards to checking on a manuscript. What you need to recall is that input got for your work might prompt the spontaneous creation of the nature of your paper. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you have an alternate point of view than that of the reviewer, you could compose a counter letter to the comments and attempt to clarify your perspective. Anyway there are sure contemplations that you need to remember while composing the answer letter. Initially, you should be polite and respectful.
Try not to be inconsiderate or pompous despite the fact that you might be totally against what the reviewer needs to say. Give an itemized point astute clarification for each point that is referenced in the letter to guarantee that the reviewercompletely comprehends your perspective. Likewise attempt to place yourself in the reviewers shoes and attempt to comprehend their point of view. In case you are in question regarding what ought to be done, converse with your tutor or senior partner. On the off chance that they also feel that the progressions are defended, you could think about rolling out these improvements. Nonetheless, on the off chance that they consent to your perspective, you could proceed with composing the rebuttal letter to the journal. If the journal and reviewer is happy with your explaination and consents to publish your work without the mentioned changes, then, at that point Congratulations! If not, you could generally consider submitting your manuscript to another journal.